Coleman Quick-lite

The Coleman Lamp Company

Catalog  Number 36, 1918-1919 era

Containing Illustrations, Descriptions and Prices of the Latest Improved Coleman Lamps, Lanterns and Lighting Plants...

also Matles, Globes, Shades and Supplies for Coleman and other Gasoline Lamps... 

"Just as the coal oil wick lamp has supplanted the candle --

so are Gas Generating lamps replacing the out-of-date kerosene lamps of yesterday."

This catalog is one of a few that survived that period.  These pages include some of the most valuable and classic fixtures of the Coleman Line.  

This catalog contains many pictures with prices and descriptions of each product.

Even if you were lucky enough to own this valuable resource guide, this is an opportunity to continue use of the information to document your collection and yet, not risk damage to your original version.

This CD includes Seventy pages of American History.

All these pages are scanned into .pdf files for viewing and/or printing from Windows or Macintosh systems.

Unlike expensive "Reprints", this .PDF data file contains high resolution

 color images which faithfully depict the pages of the Original.

Payment:   Paypal makes it easy to pay securely with any major credit card or e-check.  Our goal is to ship the next business day following payment notification from Paypal.  Idaho residents please add 6% sales tax to purchase price.

Shipping & Handling:  Buyer to pay shipping & handling.  U.S.P.S. 1st class is $4.75 US.   U.S.P.S. Priority with delivery confirmation is $8.75 US.  Most shipments will be made within one day of receipt of payment.  Shipments are via U.S.P.S. 1st class mail, unless buyer directs otherwise.

International Sales:   Contact for information on shipping and handling charges.  We will send Paypal invoice upon request.  We will not designate items as gifts to avoid customs charges.

CD Version

Only $12.99 plus S&H

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Download Version !!!

We have created a special downloadable version of this great catalog.  Downloading saves time and money by eliminating costs of materials and shipping and handling associated with mailings.  This version uses advanced compression techniques to reduce the file size dramatically from the Compact Disk version.  It still includes all of the original pages and is great for viewing and printing. 

(Click Here for Downloading Instructions)

Only $9.99

Download File 26.5 Megs

New technology has enabled us to dramatically reduce the size of our image files while maintaining excellent resolution. 

 This allows us to offer you the same great images you see on our Compact Disks in the form of a download.  

Files download directly to your computer,  no waiting for the mail, at a lower price.

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